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Legal notice

Ownership of the Portal

This legal notice sets out the general terms and conditions governing access to and use of the website that Ignator® provides free of charge to Internet users through the domain Ignator® is a registered brand owned by Newlite Lighting Technology SL, with T.I.N: ES B16714461 and registered office at C/ Jarra 59, 14540, La Rambla, Córdoba, registered in the Commercial Registry of Córdoba on Page CO-42728 in Volume 2804, Folio 201, entry 1.

Access to and use of the website implies full acceptance of these general terms and conditions in the version published at the time the user accesses it, notwithstanding the specific terms and conditions that may apply to certain and specific services of the website.

General Terms and Conditions of Use

1. Privacy Policy

You can access our privacy policy applicable to your online purchase at the following link:privacy policy.

2. Intellectual and industrial property Hyperlinks

The intellectual property of the elements included in this website, including its source code, design, navigation structure, databases and other resources displayed, corresponds to the owner of the Ignator® brand, either by owning their exploitation rights (reproduction, distribution, public disclosure and transformation) or by having the required exploitation licences for their use.

The viewing, printing and partial download of the website’s content is solely and exclusively authorised under the following conditions:

  • Compatibility with the website's purposes.
  • Sole intention to obtain the information for personal and private use. Its use for commercial, expert, legal or unlawful purposes is expressly prohibited.
  • Respect for the rights of the creator and the integrity of the website’s content, expressly prohibiting any modification thereof.

Some of the images on the website may come from third party websites or image banks. They are all used in good faith and are published under licences that allow their commercial use free of charge or having paid the rights of transfer and use. In these cases, the author and source are duly cited, and are subject to the licence specified at the place of origin.

The owner of the Ignator® brand also owns the industrial property rights relating to its products and services. References to third-party products and services on the website do not imply the rights or responsibility for them, or any endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by the brand, unless expressly stated.

Any unauthorised use of the information contained on the website, its resale, as well as any infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of Ignator® or third parties will give rise to the legally established liabilities.

3. Modifications

For the purposes of improving the services provided by the Website, the owner of the Ignator® brand reserves the right, at any point and without prior notice, to modify or update the information contained on the Website, its configuration or design and this legal notice, in addition to any other particular terms and conditions.

4. Exemption from Liability

The owner of the Ignator® brand does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors when accessing the website or its content, although it undertakes to perform with the utmost diligence and except in cases of force majeure, all tasks aiming at rectifying errors, installing updates and re-establishing communication.

The owner of the website accepts no liability whatsoever for the content, information or services of the website. Neither can it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that could lead to changes to the user’s computer systems (hardware or software), documents or files, disclaiming liability for damages of any kind incurred by the user for this reason. The User is advised that communications over open networks are not secure. The User is responsible for adopting all appropriate technical measures to reasonably control these risks and to prevent damage, loss of data and theft of confidential information from their equipment. To this end, the User must have up-to-date systems for detecting malicious software, such as viruses, Trojans, etc., as well as updated security patches for the browsers used. For more information, please contact your Internet Service Provider.

The Internet connection required to access the service is never provided by the Company owning the portal and is the responsibility of the User.

Likewise, the information society services offered on the Portal and not subject to a prior contract are offered to the user without any compensation and only entail the user's obligation to comply with the rules of use established in this Legal Notice. Therefore, Ignator® has no obligation, with respect to these services, to comply with any particular level of availability of the Portal or to adopt specific security measures. In addition, the owner of the website may suspend, withdraw or cancel all or any of the services not subject to contract at any time without the need for prior notice. The above provision shall not affect those services that are limited to registered users or which are subject to prior contracts and which shall be governed by their specific conditions.

Likewise, neither Ignator® nor its owner shall not be liable for third parties’ use of the information published on its website, nor for any damages suffered or economic losses incurred that, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of said information.

Users’ participation. Obligations

Some sections of the website allow users to communicate by sending texts through the form provided for this purpose. The use of this communication option implies the knowledge and prior acceptance of the following conditions:

  • Abidance with the current legislation, generally accepted morality and decency, public order and the present general conditions for access and use.
  • Submission of only lawful and truthful statements, in accordance with the aims and objectives pursued by the communication form.
  • Abstention from sending defamatory, libellous, offensive, insulting, racist, obscene, threatening or discriminatory content or links; as well as commercial, promotional or advertising content.

Users also acknowledge:

  • That Ignator® is not obliged to respond to queries or opinions submitted through these channels, it not being a valid means of notification, transfer of information or contracting and commissioning of professional services.
  • That Ignator® does not guarantee, in any instance, the receipt of the contents sent by users, given that they are previously screened by an anti-spam filter and, in the event they are received, it will be according to the availabilities of the administrative service.

6. Law and Jurisdiction

These general terms and conditions are governed by Spanish law.

Access to and use of the website is conditional on the express and prior waiver of any jurisdiction that may correspond to the users in the exercise of their rights in relation to the use and content of the web portal, expressly submitting themselves to the courts and tribunals of Montilla (Spain) for any discrepancy that may arise from its use.

In addition, according to Article 14.1 of Regulation 524/2013 on online dispute resolution in consumer matters, we inform you of the existence of an online dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission, as well as the possibility of submitting your complaint through the platform by accessing the following link:  European Commission: Online dispute resolution (choose language)

Conditions for the provision of services provided between Ignator® and the users of its online trading platform.

1. General Terms and Conditions of Use Prior information.

These terms and conditions of use, together with any particular terms and conditions that, where appropriate, may be established, shall expressly govern the relationships between Ignator® and third parties (hereinafter, the "Users") that are informed through the website.

These General Terms and Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provisions laid down in Law 34/2002, on information society services and electronic commerce, Law 7/1998 on General Contracting Terms and Conditions, Law 7/1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, Law 59/2003, of 19 December on Electronic Signatures and any other legal provisions that may be applicable.

Ignator®, as a B2B distributor, only sells to wholesalers and professionals, and does not do so in any case through this web channel, but informs users that in its professional relations it expressly excludes the application of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, except in those situations in which it is imperative (Manufacturer's Liability).

2. Services Offered.

The Services offered on the portal shall be governed both by the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and, especially, by the provisions of the Particular Terms and Conditions established for each of these services.

To access the services offered through the Portal, Ignator® may provide the User with a User name and a secret code ("Password"). The User Name and Password provided to the User are identification and enabling elements for accessing the services and are personal and non-transferable. Ignator® may, with necessary prior notice, introduce modifications to the User's name and/or password, in which case the modified passwords will no longer be valid.

All technical means and requirements required to access the Portal and the services offered therein shall be for the exclusive account of the User, as well as any expenses or taxes to which the provision of such services may give rise.

Upon accessing, and to use the different services, the User must follow all the indications and instructions shown on the screen, completing the Particular Terms and Conditions and other forms established for each service, which will entail reading and accepting all the general conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Portal, in these General Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as the Particular Terms and Conditions that may be applicable, as may be the case.

3. Products and Services offered. Purpose.

This website does not have an Ecommerce system, nor does it contemplate the possibility of placing orders, reservations, claims, substitutions or returns through said website.

No financial transactions can be made through this website and we will never ask you for your bank details or other payment methods.

The Ignator® website is of an institutional nature with informative purposes, providing portal users with knowledge and information about the brand's products and features, as well as news and current events in the company.